iPhone users were more use Wi-Fi Instead of Android users

iPhone users were more use Wi-Fi Instead of Android users
According to a report, iPhone users were more use of Wi-Fi network instead of Android users. Data released by comScore show that 71% of U.S. iPhone owners browse the web using Wi-Fi and data, while only 32% of Android users.

While in England, ComScore also notes that 87% of iPhone users use the Wi-Fi and data, while only 57% of Android users.

'With the skyrocketing use of smartphones, tablets, and other devices to make the operator flooded the activity data and they are required to continuously maintain the quality of service, "said Serge Matta, comScore President.

Another thing, when in Indonesia, smartphone users will likely prefer to use Wi-Fi network operator service quality given here are limited to certain areas.
source teknoup
Tag : android, iPhone

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