PS Vita Version 1.65 Update Pulled Because of Troubled, Corrected by Quick to Version 1.66

PS Vita Version 1.65 Update Pulled Because of Troubled, Corrected by Quick to Version 1.66
Sony has just issued a firmware update for the PS Vita to version 1.65 to enhance the capabilities of this handset. However, there seems to be some problems in this update because apparently Sony hastily pulled the update after being released.

Luckily, the withdrawal of this firmware update does not last long. Sony has re-fix the problems that occur on the update 1.65 and the difference a day has released an update to version 1.66 all handset PS Vita. For those who already downloaded the firmware update 1.65 will be able to continue to use the firmware version, but for those who want to update to version 1.66 it means having to download them again.

It is not yet known what the problem occurs on version 1.65 so withdrawn in a hurry. In the update, Sony provides several additional features include ability to turn off the notification is not important, set the automatic standby after a certain time, until the Caps Lock function

source teknoup
Tag : game

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