Video 3D Maps IOS 6 hacked, Runs on iPhone 4

Video 3D Maps IOS 6 hacked, Runs on iPhone 4
Apple currently does not yet officially released the 3D Maps on the iPhone user IOS 6 to 4, but this does not stop the hackers to find a way things are going. Known to a hacker named Anton 3D Enabler Titkov has successfully developed, which bring the look of the building in 3D for the iPhone 4 is operated by IOS 6.

This was reported by Russian site , iguides, which utilize jailbreak is already present early a few days ago. Unfortunately this hacking process requires the installation of third-party applications, which of course is not allowed by Apple so it is more difficult than usual. Based on the video shown on Youtube, it seems that the performance has been obtained which does not suit its own 6 IOS software is still beta. So, for more details, go to Youtube and find these videos "3DEnabler-1" and "3DEnabler-2"

source teknoup

Tag : IOS, iPhone, map

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