Beware New Android Malware,it will effect your credit

Beware New Android Malware,it will effect your credit
A new malware has been found on the Android platform. These malicious programs taking advantage of the popularity of Opera Mini, acting as if the normal Opera Mini application. But be careful, these rogue applications will send SMS to international rates and sign up for premium services abroad, which certainly will suck up your credit drastically. Malware is a new variant of that name Trojam.AndroidOS.Generic.A OpFake.

When installed this application will require two licenses to users, the first indicates the name of'' license'' and the second opera_mini65 for Opera Mini''''. The first license is malware, while the second is the actual Opera Mini browser, and if you give permission for opera_mini65'' malware'' it will be active.

Dangerous malware is found in Opera Mini application circulating outside the Play Store. We recommend to always use the official application that is downloaded from Google's Play Store to avoid malicious attacks on your Android device.

source AndroidSpin
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