latest release of Google's operating system, Android Jelly Bean, finally indeed enriched in the defense industry
standards. Security is designed to protect users against hacker attacks that
install malware into devices.
an analysis published Monday, a security researcher Jon Oberheide said that the
Android version 4.1, aka Jelly Bean is the first version of the OS developed by
Google to be able to apply the protection to the address layout randomization.
Address Space Layout Randomization, which is usually called ASLR, randomizes
the scanned library memory locations, stack, heap, and other data structures.
As a result, hackers are exploiting the memory bug can not know the location of
which will be infiltrated by malicious code. When combined with a separate
defense or data execution prevention, ASLR can more effectively neutralize the
its predecessor, Jelly Bean provides a randomization to something known as position-independent
executables . That would make it much more difficult for a hacker broke through
the system. Jelly Bean also provides a defense to prevent the exploitation of
information leaks that could potentially lead to further exploitation of the OS.
open-source platform, it will be a lot of the hackers who can see the codes,
different from the IOS that is closed-source. Android has not introduced a code
signing , a protection designed to prevent unauthorized applications running on
the OS. While the IOS has long been used this way to minimize the malicious
program can be installed on the OS.
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