iTunes 10.7 Supports iOS Golden Master version 6

iTunes 10.7 Supports iOS Golden Master version 6

As usual after the holding of the event introductions of new products Apple (iPhone, iPod, and iOS), the supporting software that iTu...
Mozilla Shows Firefox OS in ZTE Mobile

Mozilla Shows Firefox OS in ZTE Mobile

Mozilla has introduced proprietary mobile operating system in July. Firefox operating system called OS looks very eagerly for reportedl...
Pirate Bay Deleted from Auto Complete Google Search Feature

Pirate Bay Deleted from Auto Complete Google Search Feature

Google has recently introduced a number of anti-piracy measures to encourage Internet users to avoid downloading pirated content via on...
Features File Transfer via Bluetooth Will Present at the Lumia with OS WP 7.8

Features File Transfer via Bluetooth Will Present at the Lumia with OS WP 7.8

Finally, Windows Phone users can draw enough breath of relief. Nokia Conversations has just confirmed that the important features w...
75% of iPhone Users Want to Switch to iPhone 5

75% of iPhone Users Want to Switch to iPhone 5

AYTM Research reports that about 75 % of mobile users who are currently using the iPhone in the United States to upgrade their iPhone to...
Facebook Develops Search Engine, to compete with Google?

Facebook Develops Search Engine, to compete with Google?

There is another rumor that appeared related to Facebook . After denying rumors will release a smart phone of their own, this time Fa...
Nintendo Wii U Rumored Got 8GB Internal Memory

Nintendo Wii U Rumored Got 8GB Internal Memory

Recent rumors about the latest gaming console from Nintendo, Wii U will have an internal memory of 8GB . The source also said that th...
Lenovo Reveals A660, First Water Resistant of Android Smartphone

Lenovo Reveals A660, First Water Resistant of Android Smartphone

After announcing a series IdeaPhone K860 with quad-core processor, Lenovo re-introduce the new smartphone which is called Lenovo A66...
HTC Open Possible Use OS BlackBerry

HTC Open Possible Use OS BlackBerry

Rumors about the RIM will allow other vendors using the BlackBerry 10 have been heard a few months ago. BlackBerry CEO, Thorsten Hein...
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