Google and Motorola Prepare Tablet and Phone 'X'

Google Motorola

After Google bought Motorola, Android consumers plenty waiting to see if there will be a native Google product to be developed given the ability of Motorola to create mobile hardware. This seems to be answered after the Wall Street Journal reported that Google and Motorola are working on a Phone 'X' and tablets that will be released in next year.

Not many things are known on this project but it seems that this is a device that is not of Google products such as the Motorola RAZR series. To work on the project has reportedly appointed former Google product manager Lior Ron is. Ron became a part of the mapping team and seemed to be looking for the high quality camera with photographic software. As known both Nexus and Motorola products are not products with good photography skills.

This product is still trying to adopt a variety of new features such as flexible displays, tile, and other features that make the product more robust. Said mobile products will appear first followed by tablets, but there is no estimate on time release information.

Other details, such as whether to use the Nexus brand and others will likely be revealed in 2013, at least at the recent Google I / O is scheduled on 15-17 May 2013 to come.

origin source by Phone Arena, WSJ

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