Animated GIF Images can be search in Google Images

Animated GIF Images can be search in Google Images

For those of you who want to use animated GIF images in emails, blogs and so on, now Google make it easier by adding a new filter in Google Images search which allows you to search for images by type of animation.

That's mean, it complements other types of images that has been made ​​possible by Google, including Faces, Images, Pictures Clip and Line. This feature is in the Tools section of the Search, then click All Types, then you can choose the type of image you want, then write a keyword search.

Search GIF allows users to preview the animation directly from Google Image search results page, to further facilitate the users. Actually the animated GIF images has been long included in Google Image search, but only this time the user can browse them directly. Another new search filter is Transparent (Tools -> Any Colour -> Transparent) to search for an image with a transparent background.

origin source CNET

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