Welcome to my blog...
First of all, thanks a lot for stopping by.
When and why i created this blog?
First of all, thanks a lot for stopping by.
When and why i created this blog?
- I was started to write a post since October 3,2010
- I was thinking to have an extra income by having a blog when seeing a lot of bloggers earned money by blogging.
- At first, i've got an idea to sell a few cellphones via online.
- I was thought to write some news and information about gadgets and it's still going for the time being.
This is my Blog's Logo

Why you should read this blog?
- A lot of information about gadget that you can read here
- I will try my best to provide the best information that you can benefit it.
Who am i?
- I am Faizal Dahan- The writer of this blog
- I was born on January 21st,1985
- I am Malaysian
- I am married
Get in Touch
It's my honor and pleasure for those who's commenting and visiting this blog
Any comments, suggestions, complaints or any related issues, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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Thanks again :)
1 Comments for "About"
Thorbaik.support you.- wifey