Similar to Apple, HTC Take Steps, Pursue the Lost One S Prototype

HTC One S Prototype Lost photo
HTC seems inspired by Apple's iPhone 4 case is lost, which the Taiwanese vendor's claims that their prototype One lost. One's own allegedly had been purchased by a news agency in which they are reluctant to return it after being asked many times. The company has now turned to the courts to continue to protect these properties.

Editor in Chief of htc-hub , Bruno Miguel himself said that HTC only give one warning only once, where they receive through the corporate proxy, hopscotch. HTC itself said that the desire behind the prototype is a prototype and want to know where it originates. But Miguel said that HTC has not threatened to take legal action or to make repayment arrangements prototype.

In contrast to the case that happened to Apple, where Jobs himself asked for the iPhone is restored by directly contacting the individual and make the purchase again.

source teknoup
Tag : HTC

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