Beta Flipboard application for Android Officially Released

Beta Flipboard application for Android Officially Released 
Flipboard application for Android comes into the hands of users outside the company's plans, since the application was leaked before it was released by the owner. But this does not stop them to officially launch the beta version of the application, and see how they made the application performance in a variety of Android devices.

The company seems to want to make sure in advance how the performance of these applications and collect a lot of feedback from users before they release the final version Flipboard on the Android platform.

So you could say the added value of the smartphone Galaxy S III in terms of the software is up, because as we know from the ROM , S Voice , Dropbox , and has already enjoyed Flipboard application public in other Android devices. If you have never tried this application before, and was curious as to whether this application, please download the file.
source teknoup

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